Our Blogs

Prioritising Mental Health at the Workplace

Prioritising Mental Health at the Workplace

In the last few months alone, India has witnessed multiple young professionals succumbing to the pressures of excessive workloads, unrealistic expectation.
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Anxiety Disorder

Illness Anxiety Disorder

Feeling of ‘Anxiety’ is a natural emotion. Whenever one feels challenged / threatened / worried, it is a normal human response to feel anxious. However, when this anxiety becomes overwhelming to a point of hampering one’s daily routine, it becomes a ‘Disorder’.
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या मुलांशी वागायचं तरी कसं ?

सगळ्याच किशोरावस्थेतील मुलांच्या पालकांसमोर हा प्रश्न असतो. अतिशय निरागस असलेल्या आपला मुलगा/ मुलगी, जो आपलं सगळं ऐकायचा हळुहळू आपलं ऐकेनासा होतो . सगळ्या गोष्टी जो आपल्याशी शेअर करायचा, तो आत्ता आईबाबांशी जास्त मनमोकळं बोलत नाही.
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FEAR… A Mind Game!!!!

Priya (name changed), a 14 year old girl is a very lonely child, her parents noticed that she constantly appears worried and is reluctant to attend social gatherings or talk to people .
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World Mental Health Day – 10th October 2020

Dear Mental health, How are you ? You must be the happiest , as the entire world is celebrating Mental Health day today.
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World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September 2020

This is a small attempt on my behalf to put forth in words the pain, turmoil and emotions of those, when they attempted suicide.
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