De-Addiction Management

Addiction is a disease. It is characterized by repeated use of alcohol or drugs, despite it’s harmful consequences. It has damaging effects on all aspects of life including social, emotional, behavioural, financial and interpersonal relationships. Pharmacological and Psychological therapies are available to treat this disease effectively.

De-Addiction Management

Addiction is a disease. It is characterized by repeated use of alcohol or drugs, despite it’s harmful consequences. It has damaging effects on all aspects of life including social, emotional, behavioural, financial and interpersonal relationships.
Pharmacological and Psychological therapies are available to treat this disease effectively.

De-Addiction Issues

Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis And Other Addictive Substances Excessive Use Disorder

  • Management of Alcohol addiction and its complications.

De-Addiction Issues

Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis And Other Addictive Substances Excessive Use Disorder

  • Management of Alcohol addiction and its complications.